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Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Wow, time flies. Soon my book will be available worldwide. I am excited to announce I am moving up my worldwide LIVE book launch to Tuesday, November 13th. We will be at The White Dove Coffee Shop in Flagstaff, AZ from 5:00-7:00 pm (MST) - and also streaming on Facebook @tammyarlenewriter. Please make sure to like my author page, and under the "follow" tab, click on "see first" so you will receive notifications and updates!

I will be partnering with a local charity (Details to be announced soon) and donating a portion of day 1 proceeds to them. This will include in person and Amazon/B&N/Kindle sales. We will have fun giveaways for both in person and online attendees. Perhaps I'll even give away a few handmade items - if I have time to make them! It's been a little busy in Tammy's world.

​​ It is all coming together - in God's time.

If you attend live, there will be a special book birthday cake to share, and of course, the wonderful baristas (including my handsome son, Brandon) at White Dove will take good care of your drink needs! You buy the drinks, I'm covering barista tips during the event. Did I mention that White Dove is a non-profit also? Supporting them supports our local community. Their drinks are affordable, and very tasty if I do say so myself. #whitedovecoffee is amazing. And hey, tips are covered by yours truly! It's a win-win.

Remember, if you attend via video, we will have giveaways for you too! Extra entries for sharing the live stream and inviting friends. It will be fast paced and a lot of fun.

I appreciate your support as I bring this book baby into the world.

Hugs, Tammy Arlene

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Hi friends! I am so excited - my first book is now in the interior design phase. It is set to launch and go on sale 11/16. I am in an "is this real?" phase! I ignored my dream of writing for so many years - this year, 2018 - I finally felt such a strong burning desire that I did something about it.

Do you have something you've dreamed of doing, but pushed it down for years? I'm here to tell you that you can do it. It doesn't matter how old you are, your health situation, or your financial status. You CAN do it! With God, all things are possible. I'd love to hear about your dreams!

Here's a picture of my dream - the cover - and I will be holding the actual book in my hands soon!​

Sharing a little book info here:

A delayed flight leaves Victoria and three unlikely strangers stranded for a night, but their encounter leads to unexpected choices for each one. Coincidence?

COMING HOME is Victoria’s story. She’s desperate to break the pattern of domestic abuse and fear as she visits an old inn she inherited years ago. She travels to the property with the intention of selling it and using the proceeds to start a new life.

When confidence comes from unexpected sources, a future free from abuse fuels her desire to start a bed and breakfast on the property. But her abusive ex-husband and frightening acts of vandalism threaten to destroy her paradise and push her back into the shadows of her old self. Victoria has everything it takes to become an independent, take-charge woman who refuses to cower in the shadows—will she be strong enough to withstand the fire?

Tammy Arlene, a past victim of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, is the ideal narrator for the characters in this story and a prime example of not only surviving but thriving in a life of her own design. She realizes that there are many stages involved in the healing process. The emotions and situations depicted in the stories are realistic, relatable, and encouraging to women who are considering making life changes and escaping self-deprecating situations such as abuse and low self-esteem. Tammy acknowledges her faith as the turning point in creating a better life, overcoming degrading thoughts, and changing behaviors to craft the future she was designed to have.

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