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Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene


I have spent over 30 years talking about becoming a writer. Over this time, I have collected torn out sheets from spiral notebooks, faded and stained napkins from restaurants, along with random wrinkled church bulletins, all with notes scribbled on them. Today I found a stack of these in a binder on the shelf. I also have over 200 pages of printed stories that I started at some point and printed when I had a computer crash! Inspiration hits at the oddest moments, and much of these I barely remember writing. Some of them don't make sense, and some of them are GOOD! There is even more on my computer, and on a thumb drive, I found. Although I have quite a collection here, many more scraps and stories have been thrown away. No rhyme or reason as to why I kept some and tossed others. I even have three "book covers" I created with a marker!

I have talked about writing. And I have talked about not having inspiration. All of this was sitting right here the whole time. Not to mention the 23,000 words I have invested in my new novel. Now is time to start doing! So I will be talking about my writing as I am doing it. ​

So a little less talking, and a lot more "doing" is going to be happening over here in Tam's world.

I'll keep you posted. In the meantime, is there anything you want to accomplish but haven't "made" time? Are you talking and not doing something that would fulfill you?

I'd love to hear from you.!

All my best,


Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Hey friends!

Here I am with another random thought. Doing something nice for someone is "nice" - however, it is what is in your heart that matters. Do you do things for others out of obligation and then feel resentful? Are you trapped in a situation where your heart is aching because you aren't "feeling it" but still paste on the smile and fake the task? People can tell! They may appreciate the kindness, but they know when the heart is not engaged. Our hearts are on our sleeves when we do this!

I've been there. I have over-obligated myself, I've made promises that stretched me emotionally - and not in a good yoga stretch way. What I've found is that I get more pleasure out of doing random genuine nice things "just because", than I do by forcing kindness. Trying to be nice, just for the sake of others not being upset with me runs my emotional batteries down.

We do not have to be people pleasers! We can say no. Seriously, we can. I can do it, and so can you! Yes, we have our obligations - and we really should be kind to others. If we have made promises, we should keep them, and analyze why we promised to do it. We may find new love and meaning in the task. It feels so much better when that kindness comes from the heart.

Who wants to join me in unplugging from this behavior, and plugging into what our hearts desire? Test it out and let me know how this works. Try an impulsive, random act of kindness - for example, pay it forward in a drive through, or help someone who is struggling to unload their grocery cart into their car at the market (if you feel the urge.) Acknowledge how that feels. Maybe jot down a note to yourself about how you feel afterward. I'd love to hear about it.

Email or comment!



Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene


It's been quiet around here, aside from the clicking on my keyboard - because #iamwriting!

Over 20,000 words in! I am spending a lot of time on day job work and school, so my novel is plugging along slowly.

I was asked a question last week, and the way I answered it has been bothering me since then. As many know, I have returned to college. The question that I was asked was, "What are you going to college for?" My answer was "Bachelors in Creative Writing." That sounds simple enough, right?

Nope, that answer was wrong! The degree itself is a piece of paper. What I am actually going to University of Southern New Hampshire for - the reason I am up until wee hours of the morning typing papers and researching - is not for a "degree."

I am attending university for an education. I want to stretch myself. And I am learning so much. Retraining my brain at 47 to learn as a college student has not been easy, but it sure is rewarding. Plus, my courses are all online. Much different from when I took classes many years ago! I look at things differently now. Yes, it takes a lot of time and effort. Have I been exhausted and do I ever want to give up? Yes! Will I quit, NO!

And yes, it is all worth it.

So - to that random person I was chatting with at the grocery store - I have gone back to college for an education. This may or may not result in a degree. :)

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