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Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Do you send out handwritten letters or cards? Do you like receiving them?

Recently, I discovered that I enjoy getting the mail and reading notes from friends. I like writing back, sending personal notes and cards. With that being said, and because I am in the midst of college finals this week, I am making this post brief.

I challenge you to write a handwritten note to a friend and actually mail it. With a real stamp! ​​

And, if you write to me, I will select one of the notes as the winner for the March giveaway. I may even write you back. My address is in the "Contact Me" section of this site. Now let's see who writes!

I'd love to hear from you! I love email too - it just won't count for the drawing :)

P.S. I received a few emails asking for a photo of my vision board. I will post it on Friday's blog!

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

I usually review my vision board on a regular basis, but I haven't been so good at it lately. A major life change (a positive one), health challenges and caring for my aging mom have thrown me off of routine a little!

When I worked full time in sales, I was often asked how I remained so successful (as the top District Coordinator in my state and territory) despite medical challenges, and I always had the same answer.

"I have a written plan, and review my goals every day."

Up until recently, I was the leader of an extremely successful sales team. I had a quota, a group of new agents to train, and the responsibilities could get overwhelming. Not to mention, I spent most weekends in ICU, and many days getting transfusions and infusions as a result of my medical condition. The only way to conquer all I had to get done was to put everything in its own box. I printed up my quarterly sales goal, listed my weekly sales goal, and then wrote down my progress every couple of days. I used a graphic of a target, with my sales goal as the bullseye! I planned out my month ahead of time. I confirmed my calendar every day and made sure I filled every necessary time block with an activity that would help reach my goals.

I am going to get back into that habit, with my writing (daily words written/time spent writing), school (finishing my BA), and my part-time sales goals (income) - while taking care of my mom, and myself!

I have a calendar set up, with color-coded time blocks. I even scheduled time for self-care.

How do you reach your goals and keep your vision alive? I want my vision for 2018 to remain 20/20!


Let's do this!

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Just kidding about the chewing gum part! Although I might have some gum here in my purse, and I can really do both at the same time. I ate a kale salad with onions for lunch - just sayin'! Ok- I went off the rails there. Focus, Tammy, focus! :)

What I meant to write was:

I am beginning a journey, both physically and emotionally. When I walk, I ponder things. I meditate and focus on the rhythm of my footsteps. I live in a forested area, and I see the beauty of nature around me as I stroll. It never ceases to amaze. Some call this "forest bathing" and it is refreshing. If I walk indoors or away from nature, I see interesting people and architecture that I may not have noticed if I was driving. I can absorb my environment at a much more thoughtful pace on foot. Not to mention the physical benefits of moving my body like circulation, weight management, emotional well being. Plus it keeps this FitBit thing on my wrist happy.

My goal is to walk for 20- 30 minutes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and follow the walk with a short journaling/creative 5-10 minute "burst" about my experience. I also aspire to have a National Park hike every other weekend. I would like to virtually invite you on this journey. If there is enough interest, we can create an online private group to share our experiences. Or you can always email me privately - or comment here publicly and let me know how it is going for you.

Now to go get my sneakers on! Let's roll.

All my best, TammyArlene

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