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Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Do you have a goal? Something on your bucket list that you will get to "someday?"

Today was my "someday." I took a big next step in the process of getting my book finished and published. I will have more details to share in the future, but the biggest news is that I actually took that step, a leap of faith, that I have put off for a long time. It is both exhilarating and terrifying wrapped up with one big bright bow.

Is there something you can do today - even if it is a small "baby-sized" step, toward your vision? It will be worth it. The feeling I have about my step is worth it. I constantly procrastinate, thinking I have plenty of time to get things done. Why not work on getting it done now? I am officially procrastinating my procrastination until I get important stuff done!

Last night I woke up from a dream. I'll preface my next words with this: It was not a scary dream, merely an informative one. I dreamt that I was gone, I don't know how it happened (maybe I was missing or ?), and people were standing around talking about my life. Of course, as typical for these types of events, there were obligatory murmurs of things I had done or said over the course of my life. I was somewhere in the background thinking - "WAIT, hold on! I need to get back there - I have so much more to do! I am not finished yet!! What about my writing? I need to get back there and do . . ." and I created a to-do list for myself. When I woke up, I knew I had to do something about it. I had to take a step. Just one step, at least a small one - so I did.

On another note, I checked my mailbox today. Guess what?? No snail mail from my beautiful friends! I want to do the giveaway this month and will be drawing the winner from someone who writes to me (real mail). So, what that means is, your chances of winning are pretty high at this point! Mailing address information under "Contact Me" page.​​

Comments are welcome, and I love getting your emails too! Let me know what you are working on and how you are doing.

All my best, Tammy Arlene

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Hi there. How are your vision boards going? I'd love to see photos :) I am working away on the project for the March giveaway. It may or may not be the blanket I have shared on FB. It is almost finished. I have a few other projects in the works too. I am not sure if I'll do the giveaway on Facebook Live or on a video that I'll share here - I'm still learning and will keep you posted. Remember, anyone who snail mails me will get entered. (Psst - my mailing address is under the "Contact Me" tab.) I love receiving email, but snail mail is special and makes my heart happy. I just may write you back. ​

Soon, I will be!

Procrastinating is on my mind lately, as I have been putting things that are important to me off for far too long. An example is my novel. I am tired of making excuses for not having it done. I am sitting down, doing the work - and it is actually getting written. Whether it is any good or not is not my current focus. For now, I am getting it done. 30,000 words on the page so far! I am at the halfway mark and it feels really good.

I've found that, at least with me, procrastination is the byproduct of fear. I have done all this "talking" about writing a novel for years - and never actually finished one. I have 11 started! Talk about a professional procrastinator. I made every kind of excuse. I was busy being a single mom, I was busy with my new marriage, care for my mother and son. Work was time-consuming. My health, hospital stays . . . blah, blah, blah. I read countless books and magazine articles about writing. See what I mean? I could have made time to write, or used that time to put my words on the page. Most successful authors have an actual life and are able to write too. I am putting the excuses aside, facing the fear - and writing anyway. End rant :)

I am not sure what I am afraid of. Perhaps I fear failure, criticism, or even worse, success. Either way - I am writing in spite of it. I am focused, I am determined to finish this draft in March.

Have you been procrastinating when it comes to your life's purpose or your dreams? We owe it to ourselves, and to God to pursue these things. If they are meant to be, they will be. Why not now?

All my best, Tammy Arlene

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Did you ever read or overhear something and think someone was talking about you? I will read something and wonder how the writer knew about how I felt, or what I did. I'll pick up a book, this happens often with my Bible and read a passage and it is like WHAMMO - that was for me. I feel like this is more of a confessional than a blog - because I have not been to church in a while. However, when I did show up, I heard the message and thought that someone must have been gossiping to the pastor about me! The only thing is, I'd never been to that church and didn't know a soul there.

I believe that things are happening all around us, and the answers and messages we need show up if we are listening. The key is to be open when it happens. There may be lessons to be learned. Of course, there is seemingly negative noise as well - and I do my best to block that out unless it is useful in some way. If it is just negative - flush! ​

Sometimes the lessons are hard ones to learn. In my case health usually plays a role in getting my attention. For example, when I've felt like I have so much work to do, and I am "way too busy" to practice self-care - BAM - Internal bleeding and ICU for a few days for me. I am forced to be still, in an ironic way. Sometimes I get to visit the trauma unit, which is never good. Add anesthesia, an invasive scope or two, some varix banding and other stuff while we are at it and I learn my lesson. At least until I am out of the hospital, then I would start out again on the same busy path. Up until recently, I would work from my hospital bed then return full force to work the next day after release! I fully believe that this is an example of me ignoring the little messages I receive about rest, fluid intake, proper diet, and mindset. Wouldn't it have been easier to take a break, drink water and get a pedicure? Take a half hour to pet my dog, color or draw? I keep talking about starting yoga practice too. Walking in the forest and breathing in the fresh air is a better option than breathing in the sick air at the hospital!

I hope you take some time this weekend to tune in to that little voice. Take some "You" time. You are beautiful, important and valuable.

If you have a moment, email me and let me know what you did just for YOU! I love to hear from you.

All my best, Tammy Arlene

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