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Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Time. Have you noticed that we refer to time as if it was cold hard cash? Can you waste time? Save time? No, you can only spend or invest it. Once the hands on the clock tick around - that time is gone. Sometimes when we don't make good choices, we may consider something we've done a waste of time. The root of this issue is actually poor time budgeting (if we keep on the same money theme.) Everyone has the same amount of time in a day - the same number of hours, minutes and seconds. It is how we use that time that is important. Before I write more, I want to clarify - I do not believe that a person needs to be on the go/busy all the time. I did that for years, and it didn't work out well for my health. We need to take care of ourselves too! And if making money is your priority, you can invest your time and make that happen. I do have to say - a person can get blinded by money, and lose track of time spent with loved ones. Again, once the hands on the clock tick around, we can't turn them back and see a child's ball game live, give that hug, or watch candles being blown out. If being mindful is your priority, that is ok (remember, we do have to support ourselves too!) It's all about balance.


Time differs from money - people around us have different amounts of money in their bank accounts. However, we all have the same amount of time. Some people get more done in a day, while others get less - and that is ok!

We shouldn't compare how we spend our time to others as long as we are living the life we want to live. If we are not, we have the power to use our time budget to make a plan and make a change.

I believe that time is more valuable than money, and here is why. I've experienced pretty scary stuff medically. I won't go into details right now, but I realized a few things. I know that no matter how much money I have in the bank account when the time comes for me to go into the arms of Jesus, I will go. My to-do list won't matter. A handful of cash will not change that either. The time I have right here and now - I want it to be well spent.

Hey, thanks for investing your time to read this! I really appreciate you.

My takeaway is to spend less time on social media/internet. Yes, I like to check in and see how everyone is doing - but this afternoon I was watching that video with adorable laughing babies, then one came on about how olive oil is made, that was followed by another funny cat video and . . . well, you get my drift here - an hour (or more) was gone while I stared at my phone! Poof! And now I am going to have oatmeal for dinner because I didn't budget my time. It is ok though, I tell myself I really like oatmeal. Am I alone? (laughing)

All my best,

Tammy Arlene

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

We are constantly making choices, sometimes without thinking about it. We choose how to spend our time, what to wear, eat, and where we will go. What if I suggested that the choices we make actually change the trajectory of our lives? The unconscious choices we make create ripples in our future that we may not be aware of.


One example is food. We can choose to eat unhealthily and dine on candy, fast food, snacks and soda - or even worse, chemical-laden diet soda and artificially sweetened treats. When we are young and healthy, the resulting change in our bodies is barely noticeable. Eating this way feels "good." However, these toxins will build up over time, we will eventually feel sluggish, gain weight, and develop a host of health issues. We may choose to down a handful of vitamins every day on top of our fast food diet in an attempt to feel better. Some may feel so ill they go to the doctor and get prescriptions to ease symptoms. Or worse, develop a chronic condition such as diabetes, IBS, GERD, etc.

The opposite choice would be to eat healthy, natural foods, and fruit to satisfy the sweet tooth. Once we have persisted on a path of bad choices for a long time, it is hard to make a change. I personally know this as I consider myself a fast food and sweet treat addict. I never met a McDonald's ice cream cone that I didn't like and devour within seconds. My health is not the best after my abdominal aneurysm and Whipple procedure, and I am determined to become deliberate and THINK about my food choices daily. When I eat a healthy meal, I feel more energetic positive and overall lighter with no GI pain.

Another choice we make is how to spend our time. Exercise takes time - but so does habitually (and mindlessly) checking in on Facebook 100 times a day. Raising my hand here, as I am guilty of this. I started exercising a little this week, now that I am medically able. I am always shocked that I don't see results after doing thirty-second planks for a week! Yet I have not exercised in over three years!

What I've found is that when I am making bad choices they are mindless. The long-term negative effects of these decisions can usually be blamed on something else. When I make mindful good choices - I expect immediate results (even though the bad choices resulted in my current situation.) ​

I am learning to make good choices with food and exercise -- and at the same time, I am being patient with myself as I know positive results will soon follow. It is in God's hands, His timing and not mine.

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Hello! Happy Spring everyone, although the weather has been a bit temperamental. An update on me - I have been busy writing, preparing my book proposal and working the good ol' day job. I hope to be published by September! Yikes - this is really happening. :)

Yesterday I decided to chat on video versus writing a post - except I cannot figure out how to get the video to post! I am a writer, not a tech gal. Please check out my Facebook page if you want to watch the video. The link provided here:

I hesitated to share the video because I felt vulnerable to admitting how I struggle with depression. I decided to hit publish here because there may be someone who can relate.

Hugs to everyone - may you all have a beautiful and glorious day.

I look forward to hearing from you! I am available via email (, snail mail and comments.

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