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Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Hello! It's been a little while since I've had an update. I have been out of focus, and now I am adjusting the lens and getting busy writing! The book is finished, I am on the final edits. I have had a couple delays.

STOP THE PRESSES!! DELAYS? Yikes, that's a whopper of an excuse--it's more like me getting in my own way. Does anyone else experience this? If I had to point a figure at the person responsible for my delays, I'd have to look directly in the mirror. Gulp. Reality Check.

The photo above is distracting, right? It's out of focus and annoying. That's how our lives can become if we aren't paying close attention to what is important. I've written about focus before, but now I am taking it on as my mission. FOCUS is my "word" for the next 12 months. As I wrap up the final details on my book (which is way more involved than I thought!) I am working hard at focusing on what is important. Not only what is important to get the book done, but what is important to me as a person.

Keep an eye out for future posts. I will dive deep into the subject of FOCUS, sharing my experiences and insight along the way. I'll also be working on a workshop that I will share soon.

Workshop - Coming Soon!


(in a noisy world)

I'd love to get feedback on who is interested in this topic. I may create a private Facebook Group if there is enough interest and interaction on the subject.

Join in on the fun. If you want to be on my book launch crew, join my mailing list below. Then email me personally at / put "LAUNCH TEAM" in the subject. I will select 20 + people, information will be sent as soon as available. Members of this exclusive launch crew will receive a book preview and free autographed book!

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

Have you ever reached a crossroad where a business or career decision needs to be made and both choices have merit? What process(es) do you use to make the right decision? I am in that situation right now, so it is on my mind.

In many cases, there is no true right or wrong decision. Rather, I have come to believe that they are merely choices that we face. Stay still, turn right or turn left – that’s it. Even not making a choice is a choice! Regardless of the decision made, you will either remain stagnant or head on a path with new landscape and new opportunities. It is how we respond after making these choices that really make a difference.

If we fail to make a choice, we may be left wondering what could have happened. If we make a choice and look back questioning it, then we essentially are as stagnant as if we hadn’t decided at all. In looking back and wondering, we do not give the choice we made, our new path, its proper attention – and therefore reduce the amount of success we will have on that path. The key is to make a choice and make the most out of it. Leave the rejected choice in the dust, as a mere fact with no emotion attached, if possible. Moving forward and making the most out of what is in front of a person will create success. Looking back will only create regret.

I am a Christian and a writer at heart, so it helps me to get quiet and pray. Then I write down my immediate thoughts on each choice. There are potentially three or more choices, as I mentioned above - since making no choice is always an option. The first thing I do is write down how each choice would make me feel. This is my gut response. I get the emotional part out of the way. Then I write down the facts and attributes of selecting each choice. I will eliminate one by placing a big X over it. Moving forward, the correct choice usually stands out. I quickly make the decision and get myself behind it 100%. I own my choices. That doesn’t mean that the choices are permanent – but I try not to wallow in the decision-making process. Down the road, I can always make another choice.

I’ve made both good and bad choices; the bad ones could, and probably will fill a book. But bottom line – a lesson I have learned is to simply make the decision and move forward. Don’t be stagnant, locked in the static of indecision or regret – and above all – please do not sell yourself short.

Writer: Tammy ArleneTammy Arlene

A couple of weeks ago my husband and I took a trip to see Bryce Canyon, National Park. Along the way, we discovered a rutted dirt road that would take us on a sightseeing adventure through the Grand Staircase Escalante-National Monument. There were several places to stop and take short hikes to view geologic sites. It certainly wasn’t a shortcut, and four-wheel drive was a must. I was amazed at the number of vehicles that sped past, blasting us with dust and loud music as we looked at ancient oyster beds, rock formations, natural caves, and bridges. Keeping in mind, this was a road specifically designed for sightseeing, not a regular travel route.

What was the rush? Why were these people in such a hurry?

If we fail to slow down and inhale the quiet from time to time - truly appreciate where we are, we miss out on so much. I am speaking from experience because I have overlooked years of life’s beautiful wonders by focusing on being a workaholic and clean freak. I thought my value was based on accomplishments. I am going to contradict myself a little here, as I am grateful for the years of hard work that I put in – years that are paying me forward now in the form of residual income. I always made sure though, even in the midst of this busyness, to take a little bit of time to appreciate family and nature. As a mom caring for my aging parents, my family has always been a priority - if they needed to spend time with me, I stopped what I was doing. There will be seasons when life is demanding, and we are called to go above and beyond what we feel we can do. It is important to find pockets of time during these seasons to laugh, reflect, relax and appreciate family as well.


Being overwhelmed and overworked causes stress, which can wreak havoc on health and relationships. The key is balance, and there is no secret formula on how to manage this. We go through cycles in life that change the balance – and we need to find a way back to center at the first opportunity.

What do you do to find balance? Some pray, read, color, draw, journal or spend time in nature. Others may find balance in volunteering or making crafts. Some of us are still trying to figure out what we like to do because we have spent so much of our lives pleasing others, and doing what others wanted us to do.

Just know that your life is precious, your time is valuable! We need to take care of ourselves, and make being, and not just doing, a priority.

God did not create us and this beautiful planet so we could rush from place to place, He created us to love Him and each other. Please, beautiful, take time for you today. Take time to figure out what you like and enjoy. It is not selfish, it is necessary self-care!

Much love!

Tammy Arlene

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